Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Heaven Bound (based on Midnight)

The only time I am at my best is when I am completely alone (or with my dog). If I were to be judged for my heaven-worthiness, I'm hoping God looks at midnight. I'm good then.

My karma account looks great-- if no one is evaluating my actions, my thoughts, my speech, etc.

I am able to love the more annoying members of my family best . . . from great distances.

I have the tolerant compassion of a saint . . . when vicariously experiencing other people's problems.

When things are still and quiet, I exhale slowly and truly feel good thoughts towards all.
I pray to take those feelings with me into the world but they drop away faster than an infomercial's warranty.

What to do? Be aware. Keep trying. I'm not alone.

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