Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Spiritual Mentor

His name was Harmon Hartzell Bro . I met him back in seminary when he came to guest lecture for a class on mysticism, taught by his close friend, Merle Jordan (author of Taking on the Gods: The Task of the Pastoral Counselor ).

He was elderly and kind which could have been a detriment as my attention span may have kicked into snooze drive. Instead, I oddly found him captivating despite his Reader's Digest aura. In fact, he stands as the only person I have ever met that could have talked about the dullness of dirt and I still would have felt enthralled by him--- or by Something that radiated through him. He had IT. Staring at him, I knew without any academic doubt that he had IT.

I had a bizarre moment while listening to him in class. I "saw" a column of something like the pixelated fuzz of a programless channel on t.v., but transparent. This column of energy (?) began at the width of his shoulders and moved upwards toward the ceiling. I felt this was his visible connection with God. And then I thought, "He's so connected, he won't be here much longer." I turned out to be right. He died not long afterwards.

Years later, when I stumbled across JFK Jr's compliment of Mother Teresa, I thought of Harmon Bro. JFK Jr. said that just being in Mother Teresa's presence, you knew there was a God. Harmon Bro was that kind of person too. Being in his presence, I knew there was a Loving One. I wish I could get to a point in which I could have this sort of presence and connection.

He offered me a practical, concrete, vision of my spiritual goal. He was sweet, laid back, nonjudgmental, light-hearted and this worldly, yet just radiated (perhaps literally) a kind of healing warmth that could only come from One place.

I think how terribly far away I am from that goal --given my list of neurotic fears and defenses. It makes me sad, but perhaps I'm better off than most: At least I've seen and experienced what it can look like to be a down home, "real" person who has a deep connection with Life, a connection that cannot help but radiate the lovingkindness that is meant as gift for all.

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