Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saying of the Day

I don't know who first said this, but I appreciate the quote:
"You can not lose what you have freely given."

Even after you have experienced loss, you can still decide to freely let it go, let it be as it is. Ultimately, nothing real is ever lost.

In a collection of private writings (see the book,"Come Be My Light"), Mother Teresa claimed that if you are suffering, it is because there is something you are not giving to the Divine. Perhaps if we give everything, there is truly nothing to lose.

1 comment:

Mahatmary said...

This sounds like it's not very rooted in the real world. However, I've been plagued by a fear of being assaulted (again) and once I decided to just give in to whatever Fate has in store for me, my anxiety disappeared. If this life is just a shadow, if who I am is Spirit, then it doesn't ultimately matter what happens to my physical body. That kind of philosophy has freed me to really live my life without fear.