Thursday, February 5, 2009

Healing Dreams

It was a lazy prayer that led to interesting results and a growing social experiment. I was lying in bed before falling asleep for the night, thinking about my day, reviewing all the little ways I fell short of my spiritual ideals in a mere 16 hours, and how I'm really at my best lying down quietly, undisturbed and in the dark. I wondered how many years (decades) I'd just keep repeating the same vices day after day-- impatience, self-indulgence, envy, etc. etc. Out of frustration and desperation, I decided to pray, "I don't let You in much during the day, but I'm willing to surrender completely to You while I sleep." (How daringly generous of me). I repeated my prayer and fell asleep. The next morning I felt as though something had shifted for the better.

A friend of mine tried something similar. She decided that she would trust (just for sleeping but not waking time) that God was working in and through her in healing ways even if she couldn't understand it. Like me, she wasn't quite willing to surrender completely (or in her case, "at all") during the day (when "we" want to be in charge --ha, ha), but there was a tiny willingness, a bit of trust we could offer at night. She prayed for healing dreams and said she had wonderful dreams, qualitatively different than any other. Moreover, when she did have "bad" dreams, they seemed to come with less of a sting during the dream or with less of a bad-dream-hangover afterwards.

We were amazed at our results. We shared our stories with friends and family. Everyone who tried our little experiment in evening surrender reported positive if not profound results.

Spread the news. Experiment for yourself. Commit to giving it a try for two weeks. Then tell me what happened as a result!

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