Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oprah's Weight Gain & a Spiritual Lesson

I recently read an article about Oprah's recent weight gain. She was quoted as saying, "It's embarrassing . . . I know all the things I need to do [eat right, exercise, etc.]" (paraphrased).

Dear Oprah,
Guess what? Some problems exist despite what we know and despite our best ambitions. Contrary to our cultural mantra that we "can accomplish anything we set our minds to," some areas of our lives are not fixed by sheer will power. This is the spiritual lesson.

It may be a harder lesson to learn for an Oprah Winfrey or Tom Cruise of the world-- that is, for those many people who seem to view their successes as having come about due to their own, personal will power, drive, and ambition (all of which, I believe, a person is born with to a great degree).

Sometimes we have to accept there are things we cannot change (an oft neglected part of the Serenity Prayer).

Other times, the problem is that we fail to accept the up-and-down cycles of life. Instead, we view our "down times" as moments in which we must fight our way through. However, "what we resist will only persist" (A Course in Miracles, paraphrased). We fight "it" and "it" just digs in its heels. During these moments, a gentler, more spiritual way of coping is to acknowledge, "Ah, yes, this is my weak spot, my down cycle, and I will observe it and let it ride out its course, managing but not fighting it, until the eventual upswing occurs again."


Annie said...

Amen! Very insightful and well written.

Neelie said...

So many people that are successful have forgotten the role that genetic temperament, able-bodiedness, privilege, and a bit of luck have played into their achievements. Ditto Amen!